dinsdag 12 januari 2016

15 Psychological Triggers to Convert Leads into Customers

In every sales situation you can use these psychological triggers to convince, persuade and convert your leads and prospect into happy paying customers

Here you find 15 tips and tricks that play on the subconscious mind of your leads. This is a easy and quick summary based on an article from Kissmetrics and Entrepreneur.

Understanding these and knowing how to use them in your sales pitch will help you to win over customers and grow your business. 

1. The Driving Force of All Human Behaviour

  • Need to avoid pain
  • Desire to gain pleasure

We do thing because it gives us pleasure. In order to influence “them”, you need to know what already influences them
  • A to Z Technique
    • A: Where they are now
    • Z: Where they want to be

2. Novelty

Exposure to something new and unfamiliar increases the release of dopamine in the brain

3. Explain Why

Our rational mind is always searching for meanings. People are willing to do more if you give them a reason.

4. Tell A Story

It triggers emotion and we are emotional creatures.

5. Simplify Your Solution

People will always choose the least demanding course of action.

6. Create A Common Enemy

And Ally with your prospect against it. 
The common enemy is the reason they are not getting the results they want.
  • We create common enemies because it unites us with groups of people we believe to be like us.
  • Plus it gives an explanation why bad thing happen in the world.

7. Inspire Curiosity

Based on the information gap theory: What we know and what we want to know.
Curiosity inspires action and triggers activities.
It’s also associated with pleasure.

8. Build Anticipation

Create publicity for you products before they are released to get people exited about them.

9. Use Social Proof

Human beings are social creatures, we look to others to determine what actions we should take.

10. Create References

We focus on the relative advantage of one thing over another and estimate value accordingly.

11. Make Your Potential Customer Feel Significant 

Make them feel important by letting them know we care about them.

12. Build A Community

We have an inherent need to be part of a social community and feel connected to others.
Give the prospect the feeling that you service/product will help them get what they want.

13. What is Hot of the Press?

We react to what is more prevalent in our minds.
The more we are triggered about a product/idea the more we will talk about it.

14. Implement Scarcity

The less there is of something, the more people perceive to be a highly valued commodity. Which in turn means that the more they will want to buy it.

15. Build Controversy

Mild controversy in your marketing engages audience triggers curiosity and anger.

Challenge 1 of the 3 B’s: Behaviour, Belief or Belongings.