Just stumbled on this and really adore it, couldn't find a way to share directly from the page, easier this way... Enjoy it!
- A kiss on the lips means
- I love you
- A kiss on the ear means
- You are special
- A kiss on the nose means
- Laughter
- A kiss on the cheek means
- Friendship
- A kiss on the forehead means
- I comfort you
- A kiss on the back of your hand means
- I adore you
- A kiss on the shoulder means
- You are wonderful
- A kiss anywhere else means
- Be careful
- Playing with your hair means
- I cant live without you
- Holding your hand means
- Happiness
- Arms around your waist means
- You’re mine and I need you
- A hug means
- I care
- Nibbling on your ear means
- Start warming up
- Smiling at each other means
- I like you
- Lifting eyebrows/winking means
- Flirtation
- Looking around means
- Hiding feelings
- A tender kiss on the side of your lips means
- You’re mine
- Wetting your lips means
- Waiting for a kiss
- A tear drop means
- I’m losing you
- Crying means
- I lost you
- When she stares at your mouth
- Kiss her
- When she pushes or hits you like a dumbass cause she thinks she’s stronger than you
- Grab her and don’t let go
- When she starts cussing at you trying to act tough
- Kiss her and tell her that you love her
- When she’s quiet
- Ask what’s wrong
- When she ignores you
- Give her your attention
- When she pulls away
- Pull her back
- When you see her at her worst
- Tell her she’s beautiful
- When you see her start crying
- Just hold her and don’t say a word
- When you see her walking
- Sneak up behind her and hug her waist from behind
- When she’s scared
- Protect her
- When she steals your favorite hat
- Let her keep it and sleep with it for a night
- When she doesn’t answer for a long time
- Reassure her that everything’s okay
- When she looks at you with doubt
- Back yourself up
- When she says she likes you
- When she bumps into you
- Bump her back and make her laugh
- When she tells you a secret
- Keep it safe and untold
- When she looks at you in your eyes
- Don’t look away until she does
- When she says it’s over
- She still wants you to be hers
You can find the original blog from Ake92 here.
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